Zen Habbits

Author: Leo Babauta

I stumbled upon this book after reading Leo's blog  Zen Habits, which I also highly recommend.  Creating or eliminating habits can be incredibly difficult to maintain as a long term goal.  This book lays out easy to follow steps that are accessible to anyone looking to make small but meaningful life changes.

Timothy Holt

Studio Manager, Retoucher, and curator of memes.  When not working here is a avid hiker, backpacker, and all around outdoor enthusiast.  Drinks very dark coffee coffee and is known to experiment with various fermented foods.  Always seeking a zen mind in a world of chaos, self proclaimed minimalist, practitioner of leave no trace principals, and is constantly scheming up the next road trip or jaunt around the world.


Tribe of Mentors


The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You are